Monday, November 21, 2005

How Often Shall I Endure?

As this blog sits hailing the Net, a conceit descends over its only journalist. "I am heard" is the cry of the forsaken heart. The cure for such hubris is the note at the bottom identifying itself as "comments" which, for a tidy while, remain at zero. And then, the ego exults, it says one (of billions constantly surfing). It was blogspam. Then a son. and then two insults. How the mighty are fallen.


Mark said...

Allow me to console you with some wisdom from Forrest Griffin in 'The Ultimate Fighter',"Everybody has a plan, then ya get hit in the face."

Evan B. Wilson said...

Or as my pappy used to say, "Any attention is good attention."

Mark said...

Your pappy or your puppy?

Ibid said...

no comments doesn't mean no observance. it means sneakiness. voila the spies of the world presented with the easiest portal into the minds of their friends ever to be invented.