Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Keeping the Pedestrian at Bay

I am middle class. Public school educated and living in Idaho. Sure, it is a university town but the type of university that builds a recreation center with a climbing wall the size of Montana. While I have friends, some of whom are minds worth knowing in the pursuit of the sublime, the TV has channel after channel of mundane entertainments with educational attempts grappling with an early high school level curriculum. It comes into my Haus on a cable to make sure that no reality show is lost while trying to reach this this far flung corner of the Empire.
What is an aspiring oracle to do?
There are cigars as an excuse to sit around. That helps. Smoke them in the library (your own library) for that extra wallop. And have a somewhat eccentric philosophy. Make sure it is eccentric so that you never run into it in general Christian conversation or in a popular, current Christian movement. Your life is to be committed to this philosophy as a direct war on the inane. Make it true for extra benefits. The habit of your mind needs to create a groove, a well worn funk riff of truth which translates that pedestrian signal into affirmation of your thought. Look on the world of the Other through eyes which citizens of the Other, while chatting with you about sundry domestic or geopolitical concerns, catch a glimpse of what's behind your half-lidded gaze and start in horror. With practice you can raise one eyebrow.
Yep, that'll do the trick.

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