Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas at the Big Haus

We are experimenting with a new digital camera. Here is our tree. Our pagan roots are evident annually at this slavish indulgence of Wotan. And yet it seems to be overwhelmed by centuries of Christian syncretism so that our hearts are cast more on the Lord than on Wotan. Not many presents yet. I think it will be a light year for Wilson consumerism.


mg said...

You know, I could get you a real tree next Christmas if you'd like....

Pine and tobacco would make for a great carnival of aromas.

Evan B. Wilson said...

Think of this as a tree with its pants on and hair parted on the side. Just right for the modern upscale home. Fear not, it stank of pine on its arrival and I still stink of tobacco.
Merry Christmas!